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Help Patti raise money

For participating in Thumbs Up 5K and 10K - 11th Annual

My Story…

Suicide awareness is so very important! I've known too many people who chose to end their life in this tragic way, too many of them just children. I've also experienced some of my own family members who have made attempts but thankfully chose to ask for help before they felt it was too late. Suicide may seem to be the answer when a person is struggling with mental health, but it's the collateral damage left behind to family and friends that's the hardest. So many "why's" and "I had no idea they were struggling" and the "trying to explain" and coping with aftermath of it all...Please always make yourself available, anytime of day or night, it could make the difference in someone's life.


Hello! Please help me raise funds for Thumbs Up. Their mission is to raise awareness for mental health and provide support and resources to all. 

Our goal is to raise $75,000 through team and individual fundraising. Please consider donating any amount; every dollar matters.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 21 Andy White $107.35